Brett Mangrum


“With a foundation in MEMS engineering, I approach patent law with a deep technical understanding and a commitment to protecting intellectual property rights for my clients.”
Brett Mangrum CJSJ bio
Pataxia Best Performing Top2
Most Active Attorneys Patexia 10th
Ranked 25th Best Performing Attorneys Patexia
Top 1 Most Active Attorneys Patexia

Brett Mangrum brings over two decades of intellectual property experience derived from all sides of the table. As a named inventor on eight U.S. patents—several of which he personally drafted—Brett combines technical expertise with legal acumen. While attending law school at night, he worked full-time as an engineer developing advanced nanoelectromechanical systems. Graduating in the top 10% of his class, Brett served as a law review editor, published twice, and transitioned from his engineering career to join a respected national law firm, focusing on patent prosecution and litigation.

In 2012, Brett transitioned to an in-house position as senior vice president. His in-house responsibilities included overseeing the monetization of the company’s extensive patent portfolio. This involved managing a team of in-house and external experts and working closely with external counsel on licensing and litigation efforts. While working in this complex role, Brett was named by D CEO Magazine as A Top Corporate Lawyer in Dallas-Fort Worth.

Dovetailing his diverse engineering and legal experiences together, Brett opened up a private legal practice in 2015 that he continued to grow for nearly a decade based largely on client referrals.

Brett’s present practice focuses primarily on helping clients to develop and monetize patent portfolios (including through litigation when necessary) and to defend the validity of their issued patents in post-grant review matters. In 2022, Brett was ranked first nationally (by as the most active inter-parties review (IPR) attorney and, notwithstanding that volume, he also ranked eighth nationally that same year in achieving successful outcomes for patent owners. Brett’s extensive background enables him to efficiently recognize and master the complex technological and legal issues that matter most to a case.

  • Southern Methodist University, Dedman School of Law, J.D., 2008
Bar & Court Admissions
  • Licensed in Texas
  • United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
  • United States District Court for the Northern, Eastern, and Western District of Texas
  • Personal Injury
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Intellectual Property
  • Ranked 10th among Most Active Attorneys (Appellant) before the Federal Circuit Court, 2024 PTAB Intelligence Report
  • Ranked 25th among Best Performing Attorneys (Appellant) before the Federal Circuit Court, 2024 PTAB Intelligence Report
  • Ranked top 1% among Most Active Attorneys IPR Counsel, Patexia, 2024 PTAB Intelligence Report
  • Ranked top 2% among Best Performing Patent Owner IPR, Patexia, 2024 PTAB Intelligence Report
  • Ranked 1st among Most Active Attorneys Representing Patent Owners, Patexia, 2022 IPR Intelligence Report. Click here to access the IPR Report
  • Ranked 8th among Best Performing Attorneys Representing Patent Owners, Patexia, 2022 IPR Intelligence Report. Click here to access the IPR Report
  • Named A Top Corporate Lawyer in Dallas-Fort Worth, D CEO Magazine, 2013
  • Named inventor in eight U.S. Patents
  • J. Reuben Clark Law Society, previously served as officer of local chapter
  • Dallas Bar Association, previously served as president of Computer Law Section
  • Dallas Swing Dance Society, teach vintage swing dance classes to youth
  •, help up-and-coming inventors navigate the current patent landscape