Author: iLawyer

Posted by iLawyer on Feb 8th, 2022 Eminent Domain, Firm News

Condemnation versus eminent domain: What’s the difference?

When you are looking at the two terms “eminent domain” and “condemnation,” you should know that they aren’t necessarily the same. Eminent domain in the government’s right to take over a person’s private property, but condemnation is the legal process that takes place that allows the government to use that right. As a property owner,…

Posted by iLawyer on Dec 30th, 2021 Elder Law, Firm News

How far ahead do you need to plan for Medicaid?

Getting Medicaid benefits can be a challenge. Texas has strict income limitations and even rules about the value of someone’s assets, excluding their primary residence. Someone who needs Medicaid is subject to careful scrutiny of their previous financial transactions. As such, planning far ahead of time is the best approach for adults who may eventually…

Posted by iLawyer on Nov 29th, 2021 Estate Planning, Firm News

Why should you use a disinheritance clause?

You have no legal obligation to leave any of your financial or physical assets to your children. You are legally allowed to leave them nothing, which is known as disinheriting them. It is called this because these are people who would have expected to inherit from you, but that is being taken away. Many other…