Author: iLawyer
Is it time to remove a trustee?
The main purpose of a trust is to provide resources for loved ones. This can be done during life and after death, though it’s mostly associated with after death. A trust is an entity where a person manages their resources and shares them with next of kin, family and friends. There are all kinds of…
Common construction defects in homes
It was meant to be your dream home. You and your family planned well, bought some land and hired a builder. During lunch or after work, you’d drive to the site of your new home and watch the construction workers building it, occasionally accompanied by your children. A whirlwind of activity took place from start…
What To Do When a Loved One Passes Away
Whether your spouse has just passed away or you have lost your mom or dad, the emotional trauma of losing a loved one often comes with a bewildering array of financial and legal issues demanding attention. It can be difficult enough for family members to handle the emotional trauma of a death, let alone taking…
When a construction defect claim puts your livelihood at risk
It’s an understatement to say that construction is a high-risk industry. Once a project gets underway, or even years down the line, you could find yourself dealing with anything from liens and delays to breach of contract and defect claims. Even if your net worth is in the tens of millions, losing a single construction…
Eminent Domain and Landowners’ Rights
It’s an obvious thing to say, but here it is: when you purchase or inherit real estate, the property is then yours; no one can simply take it from you. But “simply” is the key word here. Eminent domain is a reality, and governments can use this power to take property from private landowners if…